Friday 7 August 2015

4 Daily Habits That Can Prevent Breast Cancer Risk

4 Daily Habits That Can Prevent Breast Cancer Risk

4 Daily Habits That Can
 Prevent Breast Cancer Risk

Talking about cancer, one of the most feared cancer by women is breast cancer. Yes, breast cancer has become one of the most frequent cancer in women and even make sufferers died. Quoted from page, maintain weight could guarantee one's health, including preventing the risk of breast cancer. In addition to maintaining an ideal body weight to remain, apparently there are other daily habits that will help you free from the risk of cancer. Curious what are these habits? Here's his review.


Not many would have thought that walking is one of the easiest ways you can do every day to prevent breast cancer. Study says that walking every day not only helps the body stay healthy and fit, further walk is also very useful to prevent the risk of breast cancer.

Olive oil consumption

Olive oil is known as one of the natural oils that are good for maintaining health and beauty. Some studies even recently revealed that consuming olive oil at least half a teaspoon every day, this could prevent the risk of breast cancer.

Consumption of Vegetables and Fruit

To be free from the risk of breast cancer, daily habits very advisable thing to do is multiply the consumption of vegetables is also a fruit. Nutrients and vitamins contained in vegetables and fruit very well in maintaining a healthy body. So, be sure to more consumption of vegetables and fruits and less meat or other fatty foods to prevent breast cancer risk.

Avoid BPA and Paraben

Paraben is a hormone-like compounds that are the body. If these compounds into the body, then this will lead to cancer. Paraben itself is usually found in beauty products or makeup. Next is a CPA. BPA is also included in the compound of cancer-causing carcinogens. BPA is found in plastic bottles, baby pacifiers to tableware. To prevent the risk of breast cancer, try to avoid two things. daily habits that can be done to prevent the risk of breast cancer. In addition to the above habits, another habit that needs to be done, among others, breast health checked regularly, the consumption of fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids, avoiding cigarettes and alcohol and be sure to always keep the weight off.


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