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Monday 10 August 2015

Midnight hungry? Here Healthy Snacks Night Can Be Eaten

Snacks are synonymous with unhealthy snacks, taste sweet, salty, savory and fatty, so it is no wonder many people recommend not to consume snacks, if you're running a diet program that did not experience a more severe obesity. Yet many people who experience failure as a result of hunger that often they feel in the middle of the night, they were willing to sacrifice their diet during this time they have lived with hunger that was so excruciating.

But do you know actually, snacks can also have a positive impact for the body if consumed in moderation only as a booster stomach when not too hungry and want to eat normal meals. But of course, it must be healthy snacks that do not trigger weight gain that so too. Then there any healthy snacks that can be consumed night so a full stomach? The answer is no, would like to know what are the snacks? Consider the following.

1. Popcorn

During this popcorn snack known as widely consumed as a friend to watch movies or television. But when hunger attacks you at night, you can make this snack to be consumed as a healthy snack you as midnight. Besides the delicious taste, popcorn known as high fiber content is good for health. Popcorn that you can make popcorn in the form of packaging that is heated in the microwave or in a pan. Just to make healthy popcorn's good, do not mix the popcorn with butter.

2. Legumes

Nuts are rich in antioxidants. Beans is good menu consumed during the hunger strike at night. In addition, the fiber content is so high in nuts, helps you feel full longer and keep you wake up before dawn with a hungry stomach. This nutritious snacks help you regulate your blood sugar and intensif production of serotonin in the body.

3. Cereals

Cereal is identical food menu consumed during the morning. But you can also take it at night when hunger attacks you. Cereals can be consumed with or without milk according to your taste circuitry.

4. Fruits

Healthy, tasty and rich in nutrients that fruits. Snack rich in vitamins and nutrients you consume is free although the sheer number Yag much because it will not trigger weight gain. It is good for you dieters hungry at night and want food for a hungry stomach prop.

5. Vegetables

Vegetables are rich in food sources nutrition and vitamins, this vegetable menu you can eat at any time, including when you feel hungry at night. For those of you who are not accustomed to eating vegetables directly, you can combine several vegetables for a salad made delights.

Here are the snacks that you can eat when hunger attacks you at night. Now no longer need to fear eating a midnight snack for fear the weight problem that will go up drastically. Enjoy!

Friday 7 August 2015

4 Daily Habits That Can Prevent Breast Cancer Risk

4 Daily Habits That Can Prevent Breast Cancer Risk

4 Daily Habits That Can
 Prevent Breast Cancer Risk

Talking about cancer, one of the most feared cancer by women is breast cancer. Yes, breast cancer has become one of the most frequent cancer in women and even make sufferers died. Quoted from page, maintain weight could guarantee one's health, including preventing the risk of breast cancer. In addition to maintaining an ideal body weight to remain, apparently there are other daily habits that will help you free from the risk of cancer. Curious what are these habits? Here's his review.


Not many would have thought that walking is one of the easiest ways you can do every day to prevent breast cancer. Study says that walking every day not only helps the body stay healthy and fit, further walk is also very useful to prevent the risk of breast cancer.

Olive oil consumption

Olive oil is known as one of the natural oils that are good for maintaining health and beauty. Some studies even recently revealed that consuming olive oil at least half a teaspoon every day, this could prevent the risk of breast cancer.

Consumption of Vegetables and Fruit

To be free from the risk of breast cancer, daily habits very advisable thing to do is multiply the consumption of vegetables is also a fruit. Nutrients and vitamins contained in vegetables and fruit very well in maintaining a healthy body. So, be sure to more consumption of vegetables and fruits and less meat or other fatty foods to prevent breast cancer risk.

Avoid BPA and Paraben

Paraben is a hormone-like compounds that are the body. If these compounds into the body, then this will lead to cancer. Paraben itself is usually found in beauty products or makeup. Next is a CPA. BPA is also included in the compound of cancer-causing carcinogens. BPA is found in plastic bottles, baby pacifiers to tableware. To prevent the risk of breast cancer, try to avoid two things. daily habits that can be done to prevent the risk of breast cancer. In addition to the above habits, another habit that needs to be done, among others, breast health checked regularly, the consumption of fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids, avoiding cigarettes and alcohol and be sure to always keep the weight off.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Apply Eye Lashes With Initial Step 6

Apply Eye Lashes With Initial Step 6

Apply false eyelashes This is indeed a challenging time for every woman. Even those who've never wear, eyelash application technique is still not an easy thing. To that end, senior makeup artist from MAC, Gisel Calvillo tried to share tips for applying false eyelashes like a professional. There are six initial steps suggested Calvillo and you can try:

1. Select the type of false eyelashes

Calvillo suggested for beginners to choose false eyelashes one line or the connecting. Besides being more convenient, this type of eyelashes give a more dramatic look. For those who want to look more natural, and want to create their own, individual false eyelashes or per piece, can be an option.

2. Prepare a mirror

Place a mirror under the eye, so that view appears to come down to the bottom, placing a mirror under the eye, will further facilitate the application of its own eyelashes.

3. Greasing glue

Before greasing glue on false eyelashes, Calvillo suggested to bend the lashes of the line, to make it more flexible and can follow the shape of your eye. Then use a finger or swab bud to spread the glue on false eyelashes. Glue starting from the center, then outwards until the last part in. Scissors lashes if the excess length.

4. Application of false eyelashes

Be sure to apply false eyelashes on top of your real lashes.

5. False eyelashes per piece or separately

To separate false eyelashes or per piece, Calvillo advise you to use the help of tweezers. Size eyelashes longer be placed on the outer edge of the eye.

If you do not apply eye shadow or eyeliner, false eyelashes per long strands at the end of the eyes will be able to give the appearance of an almond-shaped eyes. If you've already applied eye shadow and eyeliner, then paste the false eyelashes with the longest strands at the end of the eyes to give a more balanced effect.

6. Dry the eyelash glue

Let stand your false eyelashes that have been stuck for five minutes. Then apply mascara to unify false eyelashes and original.

5 Reasons Benefits More Sex

Some are lacking in the marriage if it is not equipped with a lovemaking session with your partner. Sexual activity is believed to be able to increase your intimacy and intimacy with your partner. In addition, the shag is also useful for the health of your body.

But you know if it's lovemaking couple must also be more frequent on a regular basis? Consider five main reasons:

1 . Maintain physical health

There are many studies that have shown multiple benefits make love regularly. If you do not have time or are too tired to exercise at the gym, you should replace them with sexual activity. Because, fuck able to improve the quality of sleep, strengthen and build muscle, as well as lowering the risk of heart disease.

2. Increase engagement with partner

Lovemaking make you more physically and emotionally intimate with a partner. When you reach orgasm, the body is flooded with the production of oxytocin, a hormone associated with attachment and relationships between individuals.

In addition, sex can also strengthen your feelings and your partner. Including emotional bond that you and your partner will be more powerful with each other.

3. Beautify Skin

Who would have thought, sex activity also can make you more beautiful. The reason, sex increases blood circulation throughout the body. Additional oxygen is supplied to the skin, making the skin more bright and healthy. In addition, sex will also balance hormone levels, so that the skin of your face and body acne is not easy.

4. Increase confidence

Sex session to achieve satisfaction and show a physical attraction can make you feel special and coveted. It would be very good for your confidence.

5. Adding intelligence

Yes, it turns sexual activity can make you grow smart. Some research shows that orgasm increases blood circulation, oxygenation (fulfillment of the need of oxygen from the outside), and nutrients to all parts of the brain. Mental activity such as playing disassembly only stimulate some parts of the brain, but sex can stimulate the entire brain.

Avoid Heart Attacks, Pulse Check Before Running

Avoid Heart Attacks, Pulse Check Before Running

A heart attack can occur during exercise. To that end, it is important for anyone to check the health of the heart before doing fairly strenuous activity like running competition.

Zaini Saragih, Sports Medicine Specialist doctors from the Royal Sports Medicine Centre, said, you should check the health of the heart to the doctor first before competing. Furthermore, the safety of a person to exercise can be known by counting heartbeats, known as pulse rate.

Calculate the pulse rate per minute in resting condition. "If it is more than 100 times (pulse) per minute, forget to run," said Zaini

Zaini said normal pulse rate when the body is at rest is 60-80 beats per minute. Meanwhile, the pulse rate of 80-100 per minute can occur when the lack of sleep, light activity, and too much coffee. If more than 100 beats per minute at rest, heart health is questionable.

"That is, not only exercise the heart is beating too fast. Tired of heart. If we are forced sports, baseball can be strong. Collapses heart," said Zaini.

The pulse rate can be calculated by pressing the veins in the wrist and neck. The most easily find the pulse at the wrist.

According to Zaini, heart health issues are often overlooked, but can be fatal, which is a heart attack which could cause death.

"Maybe some people look healthy body, it turns out suddenly of a heart attack. If he counted his pulse, maybe it could have been avoided," said Zaini
(Source : kompas)